Myofunctional Therapy
The muscles of the face and mouth are critical for speech, feeding, breathing and oral activities.
Speech therapy is only effective if your mouth, lips and tongue are doing what they are supposed to do. Traditional 'see me, copy me' methods of therapy may not work if the muscles in your lips, mouth and tongue are not functioning as they should.
Myofunctional therapy is an exercise training program for the muscles around your face, mouth, and tongue. These exercises are designed to improve issues with talking, eating, or breathing. Eating, sleeping and breathing are essential to life. CRTC provides services to address orofacial imbalance. We have certified orofacial myologists on staff that can help your child strengthen and improve control over their mouths before and during their speech or feeding therapy session. Contact us today and learn more about how we employ orofacial myofunctional therapy in our practice.